Instructor Training
If you chose to sign your child up for tennis lessons, would it matter to you if the coach had been taught by a well-known professional? Would it be agreeable to you if the coach had no formal training, but just learned by trial and error?
These are some questions that parents should consider when they send their child to a FasTracKids center. Has this instructor been taught by the most knowledgeable people available? Has this instructor received the best training possible to facilitate in their child’s education? Is my child receiving the benefits of a certified FasTracKids instructor or is my child a guinea pig while the instructor is attempting to learn the skills involved in implementing the techniques and skills of a proficient, caring instructor?
A person who has gone through FasTracKids instructor training is by far a more capable and qualified instructor than someone who attempts to learn as they go. Instructor training is five days of intensive education and learning that not only benefits the instructor, the director and the owner, but it ultimately impacts the educational growth and development of the student.
At FasTracKids, we care about the child. We want to provide them with the best possible learning experience. We also want to discover the wonderful potential of each child that is in the classroom while using skilled, professional and well-trained instructors. Instructor training is a major contributor in achieving these goals.
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